Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese

Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Exterior PhotographyVessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 3 of 25Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 4 of 25Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 5 of 25Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - More Images+ 20

  • Architects: Erazo Pugliese
  • Area Area of this architecture project Area:  23
  • Year Completion year of this architecture project Year:  2024
  • Photographs
    Photographs:Bruno Giliberto
  • Lead Architects: Sebastian Erazo and Stefano Pugliese
  • Festival Director / Dance Curator: Marianne Bilger
  • Architects: Giulio Torracchi, Harald K. Foss
  • Carpenter: Simon Härström
  • Architect / Build Up Collaborator: Erick Thomas Allende
  • Program / Use / Building Function: Architecture installation in a dance and architecture festival
  • Country: Norway
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Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Exterior Photography
© Bruno Giliberto

Text description provided by the architects. Erazo Pugliese designed and built the architecture installation Vessel as the second project (2/2) selected through Færderbiennalen’s (dance and architecture festival) international open call.

Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 3 of 25
© Bruno Giliberto

Vessel is a temporary architecture installation located on the historical site Slottsfjellet, in the center of Tønsberg, south of Oslo, in Norway. It stands between July 27th and August 10th as part of the Færderbiennalen’s program and has been given an extended stay on site until early October, on popular demand. This installation, built of wood and agricultural fabric, references vessels built for centuries—vessels that have been the means for human beings to explore and expand beyond the horizon and transmit handcraft knowledge through generations and between peoples.

Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Interior Photography, Waterfront
© Bruno Giliberto
Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 5 of 25
© Bruno Giliberto

The asymmetrical “Vessel,” lying on the rocks, invites visitors to experience their proximity to nature and the horizon as perceived from a terrestrial perspective: the partially fixed fabrics on the timber frame structure make one aware of the sound and intensity of the wind shifts, and framed views reestablish the relation between human-made artifacts and the landscape, while, in moments of calm it is possible to lay down or sit recalling the contemplative and existential feelings that can be experienced in nature.

Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 11 of 25
© Bruno Giliberto
Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 4 of 25
© Bruno Giliberto
Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 19 of 25

The location proposed by Faerderbiennalen is on the grounds of the Slottsfjelletmuseet (The city’s Historical Heritage Museum). The site is protected and there’s the possibility of Viking archeologic remnants all over the ground. Thus, it became a condition to make the structure simply stand without foundations and avoid all possibilities of piercing the soil. Also, in response to the irregular topography of the terrain, the proposal aims to state its ephemeral and precarious condition through a constructive system, allowing for adaptation to the terrain without using foundations.

Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 6 of 25
© Bruno Giliberto
Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 8 of 25
© Bruno Giliberto

The metaphorical vessel, in constant movement due to the billowing fabrics, and built with a sequence of repetitive, rational stations (frames,) and ‘sails,’ pretends, despite its non-permanent condition, to establish lasting memories stimulating the visitors' senses.

Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese - Image 7 of 25
© Bruno Giliberto

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Address:, Norway

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Cite: "Vessel Installation / Erazo Pugliese" 28 Aug 2024. ArchDaily. Accessed . <> ISSN 0719-8884

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